Requesting copies of your Maryland Army/*Air National Guard service records

MDNG Army/Air National Guard Military Service Records
*NOTICE FOR AIR GUARD MEMBERS: Any Air National Guard member discharged from 2019 to present are being directed by the Air Guard to contact ARPC at 1-800-525-0102 to request copies of their AF 526 or equivalent (Retirement Points Summary) and to ensure the mailing address of the member is correct and up to date. Also, Prior service members are encouraged to visit myFSS ( to access service records that may or may not be available to this office.
STOP HERE and read:
If you were a member of any other branch of service besides the Maryland Army/Air National Guard, you will need to contact your respective service as this office only retains and maintains records for the Maryland Army/Air National Guard.
This office retains and maintains service records for the Maryland Army/Air National Guard only. The records retained are what have been provided by the Army/Air National Guard. Unit personnel records such as individual award certificates, PT tests or Weapons qualifications, etc may or may not be in the records maintained by this office.
What is maintained are discharge documents such as NGB 22’s, DD214’s, NGB 23B’s, Separation Orders, etc. There are always exceptions and even some of these documents may not be in the record on file. If a record is missing a separation document this office will assist as much as possible to obtain a copy or provide other resources to obtain the missing document.

**For prior service individuals seeking replacement AWARDS and/or DECORATIONS, please visit the National Archives here:
For Maryland State (Army) specific awards please submit an inquiry here: for the MDARNG awards clerk.
Step-by-Step Guide for Visitors:
For anyone visiting the 5th Regiment Armory please be aware of the following procedure and plan accordingly.
Arrival and ID Check:
Badge Issuance:
Host Notification:
MDNG Army/Air National Guard Military Medical Records
This office does not routinely retain or maintain medical records. Please contact the respective medical departments below for assistance:
Maryland Army National Guard Medical Records:
Medical Release form DD 2870: use this form if you are requesting copies of your medical records and submit it to the above email address for Army National Guard.
Maryland Air National Guard Medical Records:
Please contact #410-918-6662.
National Guard Army service personnel that were discharged 2012 to present can access their iperms record here: ( without the need to submit a request to this office.
Access to your iperms record will require that you have a DS Logon account. You can obtain one here: . A CAC card is not required.
MDNG Army Technician Service Records
Individuals that served in a technician capacity and are looking for copies of their technician service records can send an email here: for assistance.
Maryland Army and Air National Guard Records Requests
Requests can be either delivered in person (walk-in service available from 0700 to 1500hrs Thursdays and Fridays), by mail, or emailed to depending on the situation. Faxes are not accepted. No exceptions.
To request copies of your Maryland National Guard service documents from the Maryland Military Department: Please complete, print, and mail request form (below) along with a copy of a valid form of photo ID and the $15 processing fee if discharged prior to 2012 (payable to the State of Maryland, Military Department) to:
State of Maryland
Military Department
5th Regiment Armory
29th Division Street
Baltimore, MD 21201-2288

(Use this exact address otherwise your request may not reach my office in a timely manner)
Request Forms:
Regardless of the form used to request copies of service records *a copy of a valid form of photo ID is required*. Requests will be delayed without required items.
*A $15 processing fee applies to those discharged prior to 2012 (not applicable to Recruiter requests).
Going forward, all requests will be provided digitally unless otherwise requested by the individual. USB drives in original unopened packaging will be accepted for walk-in services.
Individual Request Form: Use this form if you are the service member requesting a copy of your own service records of time served in the Maryland Army/Air National Guard.
Relative Request Form: Use this form if you are a family member requesting service records of a family member that served in the Maryland Army/Air National Guard.
Recruiter Request Form : Use of this form is for recruiters requesting service related documents on a prospective prior service recruit.
Legal Firm Request Form: Use of this form is for Legal Firms requesting service-related documentson a prospective prior service recruit.
Research Group Request: Use of this form is for Research Groups working on behalf of the service member to obtain copies of their service records.