The TRICARE Premium Reimbursement Program
The Health Care for Heroes Act of 2023 established the TRICARE Premium Reimbursement Program (TPRP) in the Maryland Military Department (MMD) to award grants to reimburse certain members of the Maryland National Guard (MDNG) for the cost of premiums for certain health care and dental care plans. To be eligible for the TPRP, personnel must meet two criteria: the individual must be a member of the MDNG, and that individual must be eligible for TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS) insurance coverage. Once enrolled in TPRP and so long as eligibility is maintained, MMD may award grants up to $60 per month to reimburse an individual for actual costs incurred related to the following items:
a. A premium paid for individual coverage through the TRS program.
b. A premium paid for any member of the immediate family of an eligible recipient covered under TRS.
c. A premium paid for individual coverage under the TRICARE Dental Program (TDP), or
d. A premium paid for any member of the immediate family of an eligible recipient receiving dental benefits under the TDP.
The law creating this program went into effect 1 July 2023. MMD is currently developing the structure and process for administering the program. It anticipates that MDNG personnel will be able to enroll in TPRP and begin to receive premium reimbursements sometime in late 2023, once the newly created system has been properly tested. Once the system becomes available, this website will be updated to include additional information such as how to apply for the program and how to receive monthly reimbursement.
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